Raw Energy: The 7 Chakras and What They Desire

Does your body feel like it’s running on empty? Tap into your raw energy!

Raw Energy

Today, we are talking about the raw energy of the 7 Chakras. Recently, I was listening to my yoga teacher, Peter Marchand, talk about these desires of our chakras in his full class: Desires of the Seven Chakras. He goes into great depth and detail about each of your raw, energetic needs and how they affect your body.

You can think of the chakras as spinning balls of energy that live in your body. Your energy affects your subconscious being. When you harmonize the energy of your chakras, you harmonize the energy of your mind. 

One of the first things you might notice when you start practicing yoga regularly, or one of the first things that I noticed, is that you feel this raw energy in an emotional release while you’re in certain poses. That’s because the energy you have been storing inside your brain is actually able to travel outside of your mind into your body through tension, tears, and heavy sighs. You might feel joy! You might have unexplained laughter and the urge to throw your head back and ugly cry laughing, it’s happened to me, too. The feeling of surrender in a child's pose or down dog is enough to make you sit down and stay humble.

Real Life Alchemy

In order to get results in the outside world, you have to work with the elements inside of your body. It is quite interesting that your experiences are shaped by the Life Force, aka Prana, aka, Yahweh, as it meets your physical body. Your reality is an alchemical reaction of the air hitting your attitude.

Your life is your physical body’s reaction to the contact it has had and is having with time and space. Everything is connected to what goes on inside of your energetic body.

Overview of the 7 Chakras

Root Chakra

Muladhara. Base of the spine. Your first desire is security. The root chakra desires to survive above all else. If you don’t have shelter, food, water, and a bed, you won’t have much of a life let alone desire more from it. Feeling afraid? The element of your root chakra is Earth. Stay home. Ground down. Once your survival is taken care of, you can grow into something more powerful.

Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana. Pelvis. Second, you desire to have a little fun. Eat your favorite ice cream, play your favorite game, or spend your day off exactly how you want to. This chakra’s element is water. How fluid are our emotions? Feeling a little sad? How quickly does a treat cheer you up? You can meet the desires of the sacral chakra by doing whatever it is that puts a smile on your face. However, if you feel like someone else has more than you do, or like there is some injustice, you might be moving into the next desire. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura. Core center. Third, you desire a status. You want to be somebody. You want to be remembered after you die. The element of your third chakra is fire. Imagine a big campfire with your closest friends. You want to find your place in your social groups and be liked by your peers. No matter what, if you are an introvert or extrovert, you desire respect from other human beings. 

Heart Chakra

Anahata. Heart center. Fourth, you desire love. What does it mean to love yourself? What does it mean to truly love someone else, even on their bad days, even on your bad days? The element for the heart chakra is air and it’s so fitting because air is everywhere and so is love. Love has no container. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. It has no boundaries, no borders. You might become so in love that you start to become someone else. Your desire for love is complex and heavy. As you venture farther away from your primal needs, you get lost in the needs of others. You might experience heartache, heart break, and even loss. 

Throat Chakra

Vishuddha. At your throat. Fifth, you desire wisdom. This chakra’s element is space. You start exploring. Why is the world the way that it is? Why do people die? Why can’t we all just have a good time? You ask deep questions and search for greater meaning in your life. You ponder the works of great writers and consume all kinds of information in an attempt to quench your thirst for knowledge. And after drinking it all in, you realize there isn’t anything more to learn.

Brow Chakra

Anja. Center of your forehead. Sixth, you desire freedom. You can have really great concepts and really deep and meaningful conversations, but none of them matter because you have moved beyond understanding. You aren’t thinking at this stage, you are just being. You let go of everything you thought you knew and desire freedom. Because you can let go, your third eye opens the pathway towards enlightenment. 

Crown Chakra

Sahasrara. Top of your head. Finally, you desire nothing. Enlightenment happens when you don’t need anyone or anything to guide you anymore. You are a direct channel for God to move through.

Past, present and future energies

In your subconscious mind, you hold fear, memories, and expectations that control how you view the world. All of your mental contents are energy. Where do you store that energy? In your body. You store your energy in your body.

Think of time like a road, the bumps along the way, the stops you have to make, and the direction you see the road take over the horizon plays a role in how you drive in this moment.

You might ask yourself if your desires are being met. Where is your energy level? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels or are you really going somewhere? 

It’s a new moon today which brings new beginnings! Now is the time to schedule yourself a yoga class, book yourself a massage, and fill up on life’s raw energy. 


At The Yoga Space:

Chair Yoga with Mae

Thursday 9/1 @ 6pm

Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Chair yoga classes are great for those who find a typical yoga session too challenging. It is also a great form of yoga for beginners or anyone who wants to focus on a gentle practice that will strengthen their mind-body connection.

Chair Yoga Sign Up

Pelvic Floor Workshop with Kelly 

Sunday 9/11 from 3pm-5pm $25

The pelvic floor is one of the most important and most ignored areas of the the body in women and MEN. This area is essential in supporting pelvic organs, maintaining continence, and assisting optimal intra-abdominal pressure.

The Pelvic Floor Workshop will focus on understanding your pelvic floor and proper exercises to strengthen the pelvis to take home to practice.

Pelvic Floor Sign Up


Jody Emerson’s Healing Sound Meditation with Jodi

Sunday 9/18 at 3pm $20

The healing benefits of sound and music go back to ancient times. Jody Emerson is has been practicing sound healing with Tibetan bowls, gongs, and chimes. 

Sound Meditation Sign Up

Sunset Salutations with Sara

Sunday 9/25 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm $25 per person (includes 2 glasses of wine per person)

Sunset Salutation Yoga + Wine is an all-levels yoga event on the beautiful deck of the Arcadia. Enjoy the sunset, the yoga, and stick around for delicious wine and lots of laughs!

Sunset Salutation Sign Up

Weekend Workshops with Charles MacInerney

Friday, October 7th - Sunday October 9th

Charles MacInerney is coming to The Yoga Space for a weekend full of workshops! Charles is a nationally renowned instructor in Austin who has been practicing yoga for 50 years. In 1989 he founded Expanding Paradigms through which he began teaching yoga full time, publishing a newsletter, and presenting at Regional, National and International Conferences. 


Charles has extensive experience integrating yoga into hospitals, corporations, universities, and government agencies. Charles is the founder of www.yogateacher.com and has written articles for a variety of magazines including the Yoga Journal and has written and contributed to several books on yoga. He offers workshops at yoga studios around the country and since 1992 he has been leading retreats around the world. Charles is co-founder and instructor with the Living Yoga Teacher Training Program, co-founder of the Texas Yoga Retreat, and author of Toxic Goals, Flow & the Pursuit of Excellence.



1 workshop: $65

2 workshops: $120

3 workshops: $165

All Weekend Pass: $190

Weekend Workshops with Charles Sign Up

At Humbling Bloom

Aerial Yoga with Christina

Tuesday 8/30 at 5:45

Authentic yoga, with the support of a cloud-like, hammock exploring, refine, and advance traditional yoga positions, both in the air and the ground. Aerial yoga helps to increase flexibility and range of motion, along with building strength.

Bungee Basics with Stephanie 

Tuesday 8/30 at 7:15pm $25

45 minutes of basic Level 1 class is the place to start. Learn the basic techniques of bungee from balance, squats, jumps, and burpees. This class will get the blood pumping, fun cardio, all while having loads of giggles!

Hot Mellow Yoga with Amanda

Friday 9/2 at 10am

Mellow paced yoga in an infrared, humid heat setting, all done on a mat. There are only 4 spots left, so grab your spot before it’s gone!

Humbling Bloom Class Sign Ups

Thank you so much for joining me, Big hugs! Give me some love, reach out in the comments, and DM to book! Happy Sunday! Namaste.