Yoga Every Blessed Day: 5 Easy Steps to Create Your Daily Yoga Routine

Them: “Hey, how’ve you been?” 

You: “Busy!”

Sound familiar? You’re not alone!

Whether you are a parent, a provider, or a partner, you might be so busy taking care of others that you forget to take care of yourself. Your hectic lifestyle might become so distracting that you forget what’s important to you. You go to work, you come home, the seasons change, and you might even forget who you really are beneath all of the roles society expects you to play.

Don't disassociate from your true self because you are so busy. Learn how to be deliberate about your self-care routine and intentional about your experience as a human being.

One of the ways you can intelligently avoid burnout is by bringing your awareness inward through a daily yoga practice.

Hi, I’m Mae, and today, I’m sharing 5 Easy Steps to Create a Daily Yoga Routine so that you can practice yoga every blessed day. As the seasons change, don’t get swept away by the hoopla, but instead, slow down. Make time to enjoy this moment, now. Yoga means union. Unite yourself to Love.

You will need 

  • a pen and paper

  • yoga mat

  • your favorite mug and a non caffeinated beverage

Pen and Paper

You don’t need a lot of space to write for this exercise. Use a small journal that you can keep somewhere you will see everyday. Get a pen that writes smoothly. You know, one of those satisfying-to-write-with pens. Your pen is an important tool!

Yoga Mat 

Keep it somewhere easy to access. You can keep your yoga mat by the side of your bed and make mountain pose or up salute your first move of the day to get your practice started right away. Don’t have a mat? You can use a towel or do yoga from a chair.

Favorite Mug and Non-caffeinated Brew

Try giving your body some warm tea or lemon water before zapping your nervous system with caffeine. You might benefit from some calming chamomile, refreshing mint, lovely lemon ginger, red raspberry hibiscus, or cinnamon apple as we head into fall! 


  1. Set Up

Tonight, take inventory of what you have and put your items in easy to access places. Put your pen and paper on the bedside table or your desk. Set out your yoga mat, towel, or chair. Put your tea next to your mug. Set the pot to start brewing before bed. Use your phone to set an alarm. If five minutes is all you have, set it for five minutes earlier than your normal wake up time. You can always work your way up from starting small. Quick wins encourage you to stay on track. Make sure you are ready for yoga before you go to bed.

  1. Bathe

Take a quick shower or a lukewarm bath. In yoga, it’s very common to clean yourself off before you get on your mat. Not only are you bringing your energy to the mat, you are also tapping into the energy of the day. In the morning, wash off the energy, sweat, and sleep from the night before so that you feel refreshed to engage with Spirit.

  1. Breathe

Before any yoga or meditation practice, use your breath. All you have to do is just breathe. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and just breathe. Notice how it feels when the air swirls around your nostrils. Notice where in your body your breath travels to. Is your breath shallow? Is it deep? Connect with your lungs. Connect with your heart. Connect with your entire being through your divine breath.

  1. Write

Take out your pen and paper and write down what or who you are grateful for. Start a sentence with, “I am grateful for… blank.” This will make your journaling a lot easier if you don’t know where to start. From there, you can explore the inner workings of your mind a little deeper.

Why are you setting the goal to do yoga? Who is this for? What do you want to accomplish before the year is over?

Use your pen and paper to get really clear about what and who you are thankful for, why you want to keep working towards your goals, and where your energy level is. 

It’s important to know why you want to do yoga in order to stay disciplined. Your emotional connection will outlast your motivation to practice. It’s also important to know where your energy level is because it’s going to be different every day. Sometimes, it can be hard to know what’s going on in our heads until we get it out and have a clear visual.

  1. Move

After uniting your spirit and your mind, unite yourself to your body! The yoga poses were invented over 6000 years ago by people watching nature and animals. You can incorporate simple, gentle movements, follow along with a YouTube video, or just move instinctually. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale, fold. Inhale, center. Exhale, bend to the side. Inhale center, Exhale, twist. Stretch, strengthen, and SMILE! 

Some days you will work up a sweat, other days, your movements might be few… and that’s okay! As long as you move around and listen to your body, you give yourself the opportunity to connect with your energy level, you will be in good shape. When you know how your system is doing today, you can protect your energy stores from being depleted. 

Stability at All Times

The first few minutes of your morning have the power to create a foundation of peace that will set the tone for the rest of the day. Even if the whole world starts falling apart before lunch, you can remain happily unchanged if you practice yoga every blessed day. You can rely on the calm feelings you create at the beginning of the day. You can clear your head, focus on gratitude, and improve your physical condition by unrolling your mat everyday to enjoy the present moment. Don’t wait until the New Year to get started on your journey towards inner peace. Start now!

Setbacks are normal. If you need someone to keep you accountable, I offer virtual yoga classes through Zoom or you can join me in person on Thursday nights at 6pm at The Yoga Space in Kerrville for gentle chair yoga. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have. Happy Baby steps to achieving your yoga goals this year! You got this! 


At the Yoga Space: 


Full Moon Yoga at Gardens at the Ridge with Corine

Saturday 9/10 at 7am FREE

This is a FREE event for the community in one of the most beautiful places in the Hill Country!

Join us once a month, throughout the summer, for a free, outdoor, yoga class suitable for all fitness and ability levels. Stick around for breakfast at Café on the Ridge after yoga!

Full Moon Yoga Sign Up



Pelvic Floor Workshop with Kelly 

Sunday 9/11 from 3pm-5pm $25

The pelvic floor is one of the most important and most ignored areas of the the body in women and MEN. This area is essential in supporting pelvic organs, maintaining continence, and assisting optimal intra-abdominal pressure.

The Pelvic Floor Workshop will focus on understanding your pelvic floor and proper exercises to strengthen the pelvis to take home to practice.

Pelvic Floor Sign Up


Jody Emerson’s Healing Sound Meditation with Jodi

Sunday 9/18 at 3pm $20

The healing benefits of sound and music go back to ancient times. Jody Emerson is has been practicing sound healing with Tibetan bowls, gongs, and chimes. 

Sound Meditation Sign Up

Sunset Salutations with Sara

Sunday 9/25 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm $25 per person (includes 2 glasses of wine per person)

Sunset Salutation Yoga + Wine is an all-levels yoga event on the beautiful deck of the Arcadia. Enjoy the sunset, the yoga, and stick around for delicious wine and lots of laughs!

Sunset Salutation Sign Up

Weekend Workshops with Charles MacInerney

Friday, October 7th - Sunday October 9th

Charles MacInerney is coming to The Yoga Space for a weekend full of workshops! Charles is a nationally renowned instructor in Austin who has been practicing yoga for 50 years. In 1989 he founded Expanding Paradigms through which he began teaching yoga full time, publishing a newsletter, and presenting at Regional, National and International Conferences. 


Charles has extensive experience integrating yoga into hospitals, corporations, universities, and government agencies. Charles is the founder of and has written articles for a variety of magazines including the Yoga Journal and has written and contributed to several books on yoga. He offers workshops at yoga studios around the country and since 1992 he has been leading retreats around the world. Charles is co-founder and instructor with the Living Yoga Teacher Training Program, co-founder of the Texas Yoga Retreat, and author of Toxic Goals, Flow & the Pursuit of Excellence.



1 workshop: $65

2 workshops: $120

3 workshops: $165

All Weekend Pass: $190

Weekend Workshops with Charles Sign Up

At Humbling Bloom:

Gentle Yoga with Kathryn

Sunday 8/21 at 7pm $15

Gentle stretching, Slow Movement, and an awesome Savasana.

Bungee Basics with Stephanie 

Tuesday 8/23 at 7:15pm $25

45 minutes of basic Level 1 class is the place to start. Learn the basic techniques of bungee from balance, squats, jumps, and burpees. This class will get the blood pumping, fun cardio, all while having loads of giggles!

Teen/ Tween Aerial Yoga with Christina

Thursday 8/25 at 5:45pm $15

This class is for those tween-teens that are not quite into sports but want to be a part of something fun and different. Aerial Yoga is yoga done from a hammock, creating a safe space to grow in challenging poses, flips, or drops. This class is available for ages 10-18

Humbling Bloom Classes Sign Up

Remember to take care of the important things like your health, happiness, and inner peace. No matter what kind of chaos ensues around you, you have the power to practice yoga every blessed day. 

Thank you so much for joining me,

