Mountain: Your Breath Foundation
Doing nothing other than focusing on your breath is not easy.
Are noises bothering you? Is your back stiff? Does your nose itch?
Do you feel like running, jumping, or screaming!?
When trying to meditate, all the unease in the body might start asking for your attention. Doing nothing other than breathing is not easy. You have to get comfortable in your own skin.
How can I create peace within my body?
According to the Yoga Sutras, by getting steady, stable, and comfortable.
The first poses in vinyasa yogasana or breath movement practice can be performed standing. Getting to know the original pose of stability in yoga is a great place to start your practice.
When you stand up, you make room for the lungs to expand horizontally as well as vertically. Laying the groundwork for a calm nervous system, standing allows for the lungs to be filled to maximum capacity.
In mountain pose, your breath is the foundation of peace where healing begins.
Bring the crown of the head and the base of the spine in alignment. Stand with your head up, your shoulders relaxed, and your chin level.
Do you feel confident! YES!!!
Tadasana: Mountain - Prayer Hands
In tadasana or Mountain pose, stand tall with your hands together at your heart center. Bring your feet together. Your ankles touch. Bringing the hands together in anjali mudra or prayer hands, set an intention or say a prayer. Take a moment of silence.
Gaze low. Breathe Slow.
Feel your fingers, knuckles, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, chest, abs, back, hips, thighs, knees, ankles, feet, and toes. Notice how everything is connected to your heart center.
Notice how you breathe.
With hands together, reflect on the sensations within. Focus your mind like a spotlight on your body. Which areas really light up? Where are you feeling pain, twitching, or numbness?
Say ALOHA to where you are feeling it. Send peaceful energy to any area that needs it. Type it, write it, say it out loud, “I send peace to my body.” Be specific. “I send peace to my right knee, left hip, left shoulder, etc.”
Tadasana Samasthiti - Peaceful Mountain
Tadasana: Mountain
Sama: Same
Sthiti: Balance
In Mountain Same Balance, or Peaceful Mountain pose, bring your hands down by your sides with thumbs pointed up, palms facing out. Widen your feet a hips distance apart. Lift your heart.
Imagine a Mona Lisa smile across your face. Back straight, feel the energy radiating from your core. Closely observe the thoughts and sensations you are letting go of.
Feel the stillness.
Direct your attention to the center of your body. Notice where you feel yourself breathing from. Focus your energy on what matters most, focus on the good, and let go of the things you can’t control.
Hasta Vinyasa - Hand Breath Movement
The air you breathe is actually a vital life force that has the power to heal you if you consume it correctly. If you don’t consume it, you know what happens.
Moving your hands with your breath is a powerful way to not only keep your arms in shape, but also stimulate the nervous system. Keeping your brain healthy will help you keep your body healthy.
Palm Offering
With prayer hands, inhale as you lift your arms overhead as high as you can, squeezing your palms together. Mindfully exhale as you release, bringing them down and around in a nice circle back to your heart.
Dove Wings
Extending your arms parallel to the floor, inhale the arms open, thumbs up. Exhale your hands together, squeeze. Feel the chest. Inhale open. Exhale closed. Repeat. Release.
Shoulder/ Wrist Circles
Take a minute for each individual joint. Circle the shoulders up back and down. Circle the wrists in both directions.
When you’re through, CLAP! Rub your hands together, scan your body and release any leftover tension when you separate your palms.
No matter what stuff you’ve got goin on, you got this.
We got this!
Standing up straight, you are a mountain of strength.
Isaiah 52:7 says
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”
Namaste, Mae <3