Yoga and Tuning
Guest Blog by Aaron Steinle
All that is, is vibration.
Though I am new to the practice of yoga, I come to it with a certain intuitive understanding of how it relates to vibration, creation, and the world in which we find ourselves. When Mai asked me to write an article laying out my take on it, I was honored to do so, and I hope I manage to get my point across clearly.
Disclaimer : This information is presented only as my opinion and an interesting thought exercise. Though there are some very clever physicists out there actually working on a lot of this stuff, I shall not sully their good names by dragging them into my inane blathering. As far as you know this is all pure conjecture.
A word on light. In our western understandings of these ancient, Vedic technologies (for such is what they are) I feel too much emphasis is placed on light. Spirits are often described as “light bodies” and chakras denoted as different colors of light, for example.
While not exactly incorrect, it should be remembered that even light possesses a frequency. At its very core, light is a vibration. In other words, vibration supersedes light. From here, we may begin at the beginning.
All of creation is manifested from a single source.
This source is a vibration.
All that is, is vibration.
In order to harmonize (quite literally) with the source vibration, it is necessary to tune one’s self in much the same way as a musical instrument. This is one of the core functions of the practice of yoga.
Imagine that you walk into a music store, pick a guitar off of the wall, and give it a strum. In all likelihood it will be so far out of tune as to sound absolutely atrocious! Only after carefully adjusting the tension of the strings, bringing them to vibrate harmoniously with each other, can we begin to explore the true potential of the instrument.
Now, consider that many of us are much like that out of tune guitar on the music store wall. If you could strum across our chakras like the strings of a guitar, it is unlikely that the sound would be either harmonious or lovely. While it is certainly possible to learn to pluck out a simple melody on an out of tune instrument, it is both quite difficult and extremely limiting.
With our chakras, it is important to begin tuning from the base chakra. This is also our bass chakra, the lowest note, our fundamental. From here we gradually work our way up to our crown, the highest treble overtone, only after carefully harmonizing each thread of vibration, in order, from bottom to top, along the way. It is easier to lower the highest vibration than it is to raise the lowest vibration. While we should always strive for the highest set of vibrations possible, the most important thing is to be IN TUNE! As individual instruments, we each have our own set of frequencies that is optimal for us. The goal is not to be uniformly the same as each other, but for us each to find our own point of sweetest resonance where we may best play the part for which we are most suited.
The more in tune we are with ourselves, the deeper and more perfect our connection with the source vibration becomes. The deeper our connection, the greater our access to the fundamental energy of creation. It is important to note that this type of energy, or power cannot be possessed or held for any length of time. However, by careful tuning of ourselves, we may become a conduit through which it flows. It then becomes our obligation to conscientiously direct this flow. While a relatively rare achievement, this is certainly something to aspire to.
Fortunately for most of us, we have a great deal of control over the physical manifestations of ourselves. Through the application of our will and consciousness, we can strengthen and shape our physical vehicles to perform in the manner we desire. Within reason, of course. Let us simply say that a certain amount of physical fitness is necessary for proper tuning. Using our guitar analogy again, if the tuning keys are sloppy, they will not hold the strings in tune. If the neck is not straight, it will not play in tune throughout the entire range. If the top is not rigid, yet supple, it will not transfer the vibration of the strings.
One may attempt to tune a poorly maintained, improperly adjusted instrument. It will not function well.
Do not misunderstand me. I firmly believe that yoga is for everybody. Yet, much of it seems geared towards tuning and fine adjustments. For larger physical maintenance issues, additional disciplines may be necessary. They certainly are for me.
As far as tuning the chakras themselves goes, it takes time. It is a marathon not a sprint. That being said, I am a beginner and I can feel the difference already, though I had made an effort to prepare myself physically, mentally, and address some of my known shortcomings before seeking out yoga and beginning to enfold it into my lifestyle. Major lifestyle changes were necessary to bring me from where I was to where I am. Embracing yoga, and the finer tuning of myself is the current step on my path to the man I wish to become.