In Your Bones

Have you ever heard the phrase “I can feel it in my bones?”

Namaste, aloha, buenos dias, wie gehts?

My name is Mae! I am a licensed massage therapist and yoga enthusiast sharing my message with kerrville and the world. I founded my company to create stability amid chaos. 

Today, we’re talking about bones. Your bones remodel themselves through a process of destruction and transformation every day.

The function and classification of bones

There are 206 bones in the body. Your bones are living tissue. Mammals have remarkably similar bone structures; most have seven cervical vertebrae.

The function of your anatomy, your bones, joints, cartilage and ligaments is to support you to protect you to facilitate movement and to facilitate blood cell production. It also helps store fat, minerals, and what you have consumed.

There are a couple different types of bone tissues

Compact bone has a hard outer shell, arranged in tightly packed cylindrical shaped structures called osteons.

Each osteon has a Parallel, running Haversian canal, and a horizontally running volkmann's canal that connects each canal, and both contain blood and nerves.

Within your compound bone is something called an osteocyte. An osteocyte contains mature bone cells. It’s important to remember those osteocytes. They are the site. They are your camp where the magic happens.

Then you have spongy bone. Spongy bone is a lattice work of sin beans within trabeculae which means little beams in Latin . 

The arrangement of this lattice work provides strong, lightweight structure and spaces between the trabeculae house red bone marrow.

Now we’re going to get the microscope out and get into the bone cells. Your bone destroying cells are called osteoclasts. Think of clashing, crushing; they help dissolve the bone and minerals.

Osteoblasts are bone forming cells that fill small cavities left by osteoclasts and originate from stem cells called osteogenic cells.

As you’re mature, bone cells secrete osteoid, they become trapped as it ossifies, and that hardens to become bone within the osteocyte. Remember, the osteocyte is where everything is happening. The osteocyte is where the bone forms. 

Ossification is the process of bone development by the osteoblasts coming in where the osteoclasts have made cavities and the inter-membrane ossification/ bone development occurs from the process of bone destruction. 

I will say it again!

Bone growth only begins after bone destruction happens. 

This happens throughout your whole life and factors can change it depending on your age, your gender your physical activity, your nutrition, the medication you’re on hormones play a role blood calcium levels affect your parathyroid and your estrogen and your testosterone, all of those things stimulate osteoblast activity so, if you have low estrogen, it could be leading to osteoporosis. 

Wolf's law says bone in a healthy person, or animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed and this is really what I’m geeking out about! I love this law!!!

If you are struggling to adapt to the pressure under which you are placed, don’t worry that’s supposed to happen. In fact, you are supposed to be put under so much pressure that you break! Only after you break can transformation come in and new growth form. 

The important part is that no matter what you’re going through, if you can focus on doing a physical activity or eating a nutritious meal, you will set yourself up for success. 

Don’t despair! If you are under a lot of pressure that means you are about to become so much stronger than you already are. 

In 2023, we must make lots of room for ourselves to heal. I see a great need for healing and that’s why so many massage therapists and yoga teachers are coming out of the woodwork. People need deep, radical relaxation. I look around and see trees being cut down, I see roots withering, and my message is this: my friends, no matter how much destruction takes place, new life will find a way!!

Eat some good food, move your body, and do whatever makes your heart sing!

I don’t want you to just be doing OK. I want you to feel good all the way down into your bones. I want you to be your number one client because you set the tone for how people treat you. 

What cellular structure are you writing? 

What chapter are you starting this new moon? 

Get out your and paper, write down your intentions. 

Let me know in the comments how I can pray for you. 

Thank you for listening. You can adapt! You can overcome the odds. You can do it! You can feel in your bones what you must do.