5 minutes of bliss - Happiness Meditation

Happiness Meditation

Strengthen the positive connection between your conscious and subconscious mind

Opening a channel of happiness requires two things. The first is that you have to want to be happy. If you are content in your sadness, it will be difficult to move to another emotion. The second is that you give some effort everyday. It is not enough to practice a happiness meditation one time and then expect the effects to last forever.


Just like love or courage, happiness takes work to maintain after the initial feeling rushes over you.

I remember when I was very depressed and needed medication to help me maintain a healthy, happy mindset. You can always talk to your doctor if you are unable to move past unpleasant feelings, visions, or voices that crop up. There is nothing wrong with asking for help to weed out the bad stuff. Two heads are better than one. The right doctor or healer can work miracles if you are ready to receive.

I recently worked with Peter Marchand for physical healing and got great results!

Make sure your physical body is ready to receive happiness. If you are in pain, make yourself comfortable or, again, don’t be afraid to ask for help!


Happiness starts in the body. We feel happy. Laughter moves the belly. Bring your hands to your lower abdominal muscles and let out a loud “ha ha ha!”


“Ha ha haaa!”

One more time.


Curling your closed lips up towards your eyes, close your eyes or gaze low at a focal point. Deep breath in. Slow breath out. Practice this half smile with soft eyes for a few more quiet breaths.

Make lots of room for happiness to enter into the conversation in your mind. Before you practice your Mantra, try a breathing exercise.

Bring your right hand to your heat and your left hand under your right breast. Feel your belly, rubs and chest as your breathe in. Feel your chest, ribs, and belly as you breathe out. Repeat several times.

Repeat after me.

“I am happy to be here.”

“I am happy to be alive.”

“I am happy to have a family.”

“I am happy to have friends.”

“I am happy to listen to music.”

“I am happy to know myself.”

“I am happy as I grow.”

“I am happy in the sunlight.”

“I am happy in the moonlight.”

“I am happy in my bed.”

“I am happy in nature.”

“I am happy to breathe the fresh air.”

“I am happy on Earth.”

Sit in your meditation for five minutes of bliss.

If you need longer, sit and stay in this energy bubble for as long as you need to. You can add any positive affirmations that spark joy into your practice.

Remember to

LOVE yourself

through the ups

and the downs

AND the in-between.
