3 Self-care Activities You Can Do in 5 Mins or Less

Hello! How are you? How have you been?

What self care activities are you practicing this weekend? 

Today, we’re talking about three self-care activities that you can do in five minutes or less

Aloha! Welcome. My name is Mae and I am so happy to be here with you now. 

I founded Kerrville Yoga in 2017 after being certified in vinyasa yoga through Dr Paul Gerard’s Aura Wellness Center and currently teach Thursday nights and some Saturday’s at the Kerrville Yoga space. I’m also in massage therapy school at Academy for Massage Therapy Training’s North Park campus in San Antonio. Expect to see massage services offered here in April of 2022! I will be super close to the yoga space just right across the street at the Zen and Alchemy spa on Earl Garrett operating as a contract laborer under my DBA Kerrville Yoga. I believe that massage and yoga are closely related, have amazing individual health benefits, and compliment each other well. 

The mission of Kerrville Yoga is to inspire those who lead busy lives to take a minute to unite themselves with their breath and body. At Kerrville Yoga, we value stability, safety, and peace. When applied, these basics have the power to transform the relationship you have with yourself and the way you carry your body through the day. 

It is important that all operations led by Kerrville Yoga follow a system of stability before action. I want you to be able to relax, knowing you have everything you need within you, regardless of what happens in your life.

You have the power to find stability amid chaos. 

You have the strength to get through tough times. 

You have the grace to surrender to Divine. 

Yoga unites us in all of these things: power, strength, and grace. 

Throughout your life, things will change over time. The one thing that won’t change is LOVE. 

Show yourself some love by practicing these 3 self care activities whenever you need five minutes to collect yourself. Don’t wait until you’re already in pieces! Start cultivating abundance now!

  1. Morning Pause: what are your mornings like? Do you feel like you’re rushing to get out the door? Do you have a special routine you follow? As soon as you make the decision to slow down, everything stops. The attention you direct inward becomes irresistible to the energies around you. You might feel your loved ones suddenly need your help with something, you might notice your cat come and sit in your lap when they normally don’t cuddle, you might find fido laying beside you on your yoga mat, even if they are a high energy doge. When we take a little break for ourselves, everyone wants to do the same. So if we can do this before the day gets started, we set the tone for calmness, reverence, and respect. You can simply sip your coffee or tea and breathe for five minutes first thing when you wake up or right after you get ready. Ask yourself, “where is my energy level at today? What things do I need to get done? What things am I proud of myself for accomplishing?” You can journal or just take mental notes. Oftentimes, when I practice this, it turns into 30 minutes or more. And every time I don’t practice my morning pause, I can feel the difference in my mood during the day. My loved ones tell me they notice a difference, I even notice a difference in my animals when we skip our morning pause. And it’s not hard to do. It’s easy to forget about ourselves. But you can’t forget about number one, darling because that’s what you are! Decide to have a good day. Making a connection with the Divine first thing in the morning takes practice. Once we get the hang of it, though, that’s when the breakthroughs occur. Once we really nail down making our mindset work a priority, it’s a domino effect and everyone else will prioritize us, too, because we’re showing them how. Spend five minutes on yourself in the morning before you set off on your day and you will transform your good morning into a good day into a good life.

  1. Afternoon stretch: do you sit for most of the day? Does your brain feel fried from staring at your screen? Are you constantly frowning down at your phone? Our body holds tension when our minds are overstimulated and stressed. By noon, we might already be worn out from constant information and stimulation. For those of us who have adulting to do, though, we can’t just tap out halfway through the day and go play outside. So the best way to access that internal reset button in limited space is to do something that gets your body out of the hunched over position and back into alignment. I invite you to incorporate these 4 basic spinal movements in three easy stretches. We will cover the first two spinal movements by flowing through the breath movement called om namaha which translates to create and destroy, simply inhale your arms up all the way, (extension) and exhale your body over your legs to touch your toes (flexion). To achieve a side bend (lateral flexion) we will do half moon. Inhale the arms overhead with the palms together, exhale and bend to one side. Inhale the palms up overhead, exhale to the other side. And for our twist (axil rotation) inhale your hands to your shoulders, exhale twist to the right. Inhale center, exhale twist to the left. Yeah. Let me know how that felt guys, let me know how you’re feeling. Any better than before you did those stretches? Five minutes. It only takes five minutes do do a few rounds of each of those and give your back some tender loving care.

  1. Evening affirmations: if someone were to record your thoughts, what would they sound like? Before you get into bed, what loops are playing over and over again in your head? “I did my best today. I am checking in on myself. I am worthy of love. I make the world a better place. I am here, now. I got this. This too shall pass. I am strong. I am thankful. I am love.” When we shower ourselves with grace and compassion before bed, we paint a beautiful artistic masterpiece in our imagination for our subconscious to enjoy. We re-wire our brains to get out of restrictive self talk and into the abundance mindset needed to take quantum leaps towards our ideal future. Giving yourself a high five in the mirror, a thumbs up, even a smile after you brush your teeth is a nice gesture from you to you before you hit the hay. Even if nobody else likes you, you like you. That is enough. You are enough. I am enough! 

Say it with me!