Interview with Aerial Yoga Studio OwnEr: Stephanie

There is a growing community of strong women, here in the Hill Country. I’d like to get to know more women like Stephanie Calderon Stewart. That’s why I’ve invited Stephanie to Kerrville Yoga today!

Aloha, Stephanie! Tell us a little bit about yourself!


I am a native Kerrville-ian, graduated from Tivy High School in 2001.  I have been married to my husband Clarence of 14 years and we share a son (Quatro), daughter (Alexandra), and two exchange students adopted daughter (Aleks) that lives in Warsaw, Poland, and son Joaquin Vazquez that lives in Mexico City. I have been a licensed massage therapist for 18+ years always massaging people as a  side business income while working a full-time job in the heavy civil construction world. I obtained my 200 hour therapeutic teacher certification from MelMarie Yoga out of San Antonio and continued additional studies with Aerial Yoga Boerne in 2017 becoming certified as an Aerial Yoga Instructor soon creating humblingbloom, LLC shortly after. My mission is to bring an all encompassing Holistic Wellness in one stop believing there is a better way and wish to bring an open humble heart to every individual walking through the door.  

Why did you start doing yoga?

I have done yoga ever since high school, not necessarily a daily practice but just a once in a while because it was cool. I really did not fully utilize yoga until yoga space opened here in Kerrville when I moved back from Austin in 2003. I loved Gwynn from Yoga Space she was an amazing soul who made me feel like yoga was not out of my realm, and I did not need to know all the poses but just be fine right where I was at. She is the one who really opened my eyes and doors to this new way of life. 

What made you want to teach yoga?

I had no intention of becoming a yoga instructor. So one day the President of the Construction Company I worked for came to me and talked about his wife becoming a yoga instructor. I told him that while I was in Austin the thought had crossed my mind to become one only to be an addition to my massage practice but nothing more. Then later on he asked if I would like to join the same program his wife attended, I reluctantly said no but needless to say that was not the outcome in the end of it all. So I joined the program with MelMarie Yoga and started my path to join yoga and massage together in my personal practice. While completing my certification course an Aerial Workshop was introduced, I fell completely enamored and in love that I later became a certified Aerial Yoga Instructor who decided that Kerrville needed something like this. The next step I went and did what Dave Ramsey advises against pulled my savings and opened an Aerial Yoga here in Kerrville. Here I am...

What is the mission of humblingBloom?

The mission of the studio is to fully encompass every aspect of holistic wellness in one shared space of various talents.  This studio is here to let everyone know that the light in them has purpose and is meant to be shared because we are all apart of something greater. Their light pierces darkness, which is separated once they allow their light to shine.

Who are your ideal students?

My ideal students are people that possess an open willing heart to try new exciting approaches to wellness. People that are not sold completely on western medicine. If we are speaking of Aerial in particular the person must not be easily motion sick, meaning if they can not get on a swing to go back and forth or even ride in the backseat of a car that limits their practice in class. They can however always choose not to do any inversions and when it comes to lying down in the hammocks they may opt to lay on the ground instead, which is completely fine. There are many other poses that can be done that does not require the back and forth or inversion poses.

What techniques are you using to get people to come to class?

I always let the people that stroll through my door aware that this studio is welcome to all, no matter if you have never done yoga in your life or even if you are a pro. We can all share the same space in class yet be on different poses, yoga is their practice. Their practice is personalized just for them not the instructor and or even the neighbor next to them. I believe that letting people feel comfortable that they do not need to be pushed or forced into something their body is not ready for has been key and the constant repeating of its ok remember this is your practice has made people feel at home in the studio and more willing to invite their friends or family that would have serious hesitations on it all.

As far as advertisement I stink at social media, and am thankful for the younger people to help me understand while showing me what buttons do what on my phone or computer. I Have yet to send out any emails with the online system I have, but I also find that the majority of people do not check emails or utilize them as much as they hop on social media outlets. However don’t count me out yet on sending email newsletters just yet. I also joined the Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce last year in 2018 and they have done a fabulous job in helping this tiny studio grow. 

How does it feel to be a successful yoga business boss?

The question is how do I define success, and my answer would be that yes I do what I love and am so very blessed to have such large support of family and friends that have been my marketers, and networkers even when I am totally not the salesman. As for the phrase “Boss” I do not like to see myself as such, I am and will always be a humble team player, my joy and success if from helping others rise in success before I. If they are able to thrive then the studio in turn thrives as well. Being a small business owner is for the birds, and I am thankful for the name of the studio, which is something I prayed about for a long time until it was laid on my heart. humblingBloom is a reminder that I should not worry or hold myself to any other standard or successful yoga studio. I am often reminded that I should be humble always, and Bloom in my humility. This is Success.

What challenges did you have to overcome to have your studio here in Kerrville?

Kerrville  is a very special place, the community is so diverse. We were at one point thought of a #1 retirement community, yet the dynamic is changing to a much younger family oriented community. The obstacle really was how to get the word out that we are here, and really that is still the obstacle. Newspapers are only read by a certain demographic and social media on the other hand almost everyone, but getting people to not just see but actually support a small business is still the question all small businesses here in Kerrville are looking for.

Have you ever thought about hosting a retreat?

Absolutely, actually when I first opened and had High Apple Pie in the Sky hopes I actually was trying to get people to join me in Bali for a Yoga retreat. But the reality is that getting peolpe to trust you in taking them across the world on a guided tour and for a long period of time is complex. Kerrville is a working community, while we do have people that are abundantly blessed we also have people that must be mindful of how they are to spend  what they have. So going on a trip like that for oneself is a huge imposition for a working family, but there are works in progress for an international trip and local one too.

Are you  interested in recording some of your classes to make an online yoga course?

Perhaps in the future but as for now thats not on my radar. I struggle with online certification course, I know there are great ones but there is nothing like being up front with an instructor pointing and showing I don’t understand this, or even having them correct you right away.

What does the future of humblingBloom look like? 

Holistic Wellness at it’s finest, we have just introduced a Holistic Medicine Practitioner to the studio, which will work out great in addition to the Acupuncturist, massage therapist, and yoga instructors. We are working on some larger events and even helping more in the recovery community giving them a second option in their health and recovery practice. This place is for every humble heart, we are working on understanding the community in what that truly means for them.

The Kerrville community is blessed by your humble presence, Stephanie! Thank you for taking the time to sit down and talk with me.

