Fall Transformation: Keeping Yourself in Check
The leaves fall from the trees. The bittersweet smell of cold air makes noses run. Red lights seem to linger, coffees cool too quickly, and the sneezing never ceases.
Autumn rings the Vata Dosha bell.
The winds of change stir up unease and unrest.
There are ways of dealing with such energies. Let us embrace a few simple rules to follow at this time:
First off, DO NOT SKIP MEALS. It is easy to skip meals with the justification that the holidays are upon us, and lots of food will be had at the end of the month. However, our bodies need a regular intake of food to stay happy, work properly, and fight off infections. Therefore, secure something warm to eat before heading off to work or play. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Wear comfortably warm clothing that allows you to stay cozy as you move throughout the day without feeling encumbered. Cover your toes. Consider wearing a hat. Our heads, hands, and feet are where heat escapes the fastest.
Follow a set schedule. While life may throw us curve balls, if we establish a balanced schedule that includes work, play, food, and sleep, distractions are less likely to make us forget about doing the everyday important stuff. Whether it’s on your google calendar or in a tangible notebook, physically entering in a time with a purpose will help you stay sane.
Communicate. Talk to each other. Speak up! Seek first to understand and then to be understood. It is easy to have a misfire and hurt feelings or get tangled up in giving unwanted gifts. Tell your people you are thankful for them. Don’t get swept away in the Black Friday frenzy! You don’t need more stuff, you need more good times and stories around the fire.
Lastly, slow down. Let go of unnecessary thoughts. Strip away the distractions of the mind by taking a few minutes every day to meditate on stillness and relaxation. You can sit on the couch with your pet. You can make some art. If you are not in the mood to sit quietly in a dark place, go for a short drive and listen to calming music without vocals. Find something that works as a well of peace for you.